ТОО «МОС ИнжГеоСтройПроект»

LLP "MOS InzhGeoStroyProekt"

Company name: MOS InzhGeoStroyProekt LLP
Brief description: Specialists of the MOS InzhGeoStroyProekt company are ready to conduct geological surveys at a high professional level in any region of the country.
Year started: January 1, 2015
Phone number: +77272948657
Company address: Almaty, st. Timiryazeva 52, office 16
The site of the company: https://igis.kz/
Number of employees 10

About company

The specialists of the company "MOS InzhGeoStroyProekt" are ready to conduct geological surveys at a high professional level in any region of the country. With our professional team of engineers-geologists, we can perform engineering and geological surveys of any volume and complexity.

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