ТОО "MinExCo"


Название компании: ТОО «MinExCo»
Краткое описание: «ТЭО кондиций и подсчет запасов по стандартам ГКЗ ТЭО кондиций для подсчета запасов выполняется в конце геологоразведочной программы.
Year started: January 1, 2014
Phone number: +77019300521
Company address: Almaty
The site of the company: http://minexco.kz/

About company

Feasibility study of conditions and calculation of reserves according to GKZ standards

A feasibility study of conditions for calculating reserves is carried out at the end of the geological exploration program. Calculation of reserves is necessary for placing reserves on the State balance sheet and moving to the production stage

Field modeling according to JORC standards
To attract investment in field development, a report on resources/reserves is required, prepared in accordance with the standards of the international reporting system JORC, etc.

Project development
To begin production at the field, it is necessary to develop design and estimate documentation.


Deposits of oxidized nickel ores (Kimpersai group, Ekibastuz-Shidertinskaya group):
Geological support.
Together with the geological service of the subsoil user companies, recalculations of reserves for 4 deposits with protection in the State Reserves Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan were carried out. Forecasting and determination of the possibilities of increasing reserves of oxidized nickel ores were carried out.
Technological support.
Result: A promising technological scheme for processing raw materials was proposed, basic tests were organized and conducted, basic technical and economic calculations of various options for ore processing processes were carried out, and the efficiency of the proposed technology was demonstrated.

Kargayli-Aktas tin deposit:
Examination of technical documents, development of a business plan for deposit development.
Result: A potential scheme for efficient development of the deposit was proposed, economic indicators were calculated, and a business plan was developed.

Tesiktas copper deposit:
Preparation of feasibility studies for industrial conditions, calculation of reserves.
Result: financial and economic modeling, manual calculation, modeling in MICROMINE. Participation in the preparation of materials for the Report in accordance with the JORC code.

Kutyukhinskoye gold deposit:
Examination of technical documents, development of a pre-feasibility study for the development of a deposit.
Result: A pre-feasibility study document was developed, various scenarios for developing the deposit were calculated, an assessment of existing technological solutions and the state of industrial facilities was carried out.

Masalskoye iron deposit:
Examination of technical documents, development of a feasibility study for the development of a deposit to assess the value of the facility.
Result: A number of technological solutions have been proposed that can significantly improve the economic indicators of field development. The developed feasibility study has undergone technical and economic examination by international auditors (WAI, KPMG).
Development of a feasibility study for industrial conditions
Result: A report on the feasibility study of industrial conditions was prepared for approval of reserves in the State Reserves Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Copper-nickel deposit South Maksut:
Preparation of a feasibility study of industrial conditions for oxidized and sulphide ores of the deposit, modeling of ore bodies, block model of the deposit, optimization of quarries, geological support of exploration work.
Expertise of technical documents.
Result: An examination of ore test reports was conducted, a number of technological solutions were proposed to improve the performance of oxidized ore deposits. A feasibility study report on industrial conditions of oxidized ores was prepared for approval of reserves in the State Reserves Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Ayak-Kojan copper deposit:
Preparation of a block model of the deposit in accordance with the JORC standard, resource assessment, quarry optimization, reserve calculation.
Result: A report on the assessment of resources and calculation of reserves of the deposit was prepared in English in accordance with the requirements of Western companies, an optimized schedule of mining operations was developed.

Zhaksylyk manganese deposit:
Development of a feasibility study for industrial conditions
Result: A report on the feasibility study of industrial conditions was prepared for approval of reserves in the State Reserves Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Bapa iron deposit:
Development of feasibility studies for industrial conditions.
Result: A report on the feasibility study of industrial conditions was prepared for approval of reserves in the State Reserves Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Verkhne-Andasaiskoye gold deposit:
Conducting a comprehensive audit of the field in order to organize project financing.
Result: A comprehensive audit report was prepared and a positive decision was received from the financial institution to finance the project.

Yuzhny Zhaur tungsten deposit:
Development of a feasibility study of assessment conditions, construction of a block model.
Result: A feasibility study report on the estimated conditions was prepared for approval of reserves in the State Reserves Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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