Company name: TsDZ and GIS TERRA LLP
Brief description: The company conducts scientific research and is accredited by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a non-state scientific institution.
Year started: January 1, 1999
Phone number: +77772311365
Company address: Almaty, Kok-Tobe district, st. Roza Baglanova, house 83.
The site of the company: http://gis-terra.kz/?lang=ru

About company

LLP "Center for Remote Sensing and GIS "Terra" (CDS and GIS "Terra") founded in 1999. The main activities of the Company are: providing a range of services in the field of environmental protection, environmental and environmental design, environmental management and subsoil use, forestry and landscaping, development and implementation of new technologies for remote sensing of the Earth (ERS) and geographic information systems ( GIS), conducting scientific biological, geographical, geological and environmental research.


The Company employs highly qualified specialists in various fields: geographers, biologists, ecologists, geologists, soil scientists, climatologists, surveyors, topographers, land surveyors, forestry and landscaping specialists, programmers, photogrammetrists, GIS specialists, etc. Their activities are related to the knowledge of the patterns of structure and functioning of natural systems of different ranks, environmental assessment and monitoring of the state of environmental components.

Due to the fact that the range of services provided by the Company is diverse, for the implementation of specific projects, working groups and teams are created with the involvement of contractors, individual specialists and experts from various research institutes, production organizations, specialized companies and institutions on a contract basis, including including foreign ones. This significantly increases the level and quality of developments, promotes continuous training and advanced training of specialists.

TsDZ and GIS Terra LLP has the necessary state licenses and permits to provide the full range of services provided. The quality management system in the Company is built in accordance with the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001:2008 “Quality management systems. Requirements".

The company conducts scientific research and is accredited by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a non-state scientific institution. The team includes 1 corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 5 doctors/professors and 7 candidates of science. The company is the founder and publisher of the scientific interdisciplinary journal Terra, which has been published since 2006.

“CDZ and GIS “Terra” LLP has its own office building, the necessary equipment, specialized hardware and software, a fleet of vehicles, etc. for carrying out all types of work. This makes it possible to carry out field research and data processing at a modern level, including the creation of high-tech modern products (cartographic models, geodatabases, geoportals, electronic control systems, etc., varying in purpose and content).

During the Company’s operation (since 1999), more than 300 projects have been completed, in the development of which remote sensing and GIS technologies were widely used:

  • projects for international scientific grants (UNECO, USAID, ISTC, GTZ, WWF, GEF/UNDP, NATO, etc.);
  • projects for the supply and processing of remote sensing data from various spacecraft;
  • environmental projects (on specially protected natural areas, biodiversity conservation, reforestation, sand consolidation, game management, etc.);
  • scientific and applied projects in the field of ecology, biology, geology, cartography, geodesy, etc.;
  • environmental (EIA, monitoring, baseline studies, reclamation of disturbed lands, etc.) for the public sector, oil and gas and mining industries;
  • special projects for the creation of GIS, electronic databases, automated control systems, geoportals.


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