Geochemical laboratory

Karaganda, Bukhar-Zhyrau district, Karaganda region, Kazakhstan
Геохимическая лаборатория

Laboratory structure:

• Sample preparation department (drying, crushing, grinding, storage, cutting rocks, X-ray fluorescence analyzer - XRF, infrared scanning for the determination of minerals TerraSpec)

• Department of Assay Analysis (determination of the content of noble metals by assay smelting by gravimetric, atomic absorption (AAS) and atomic emission (ICP-AES) testing)

• Department of multi-element analysis (multi-element analysis for 35 elements, with two and four acid decomposition with the end of ICP-AES. Atomic absorption analysis of base metals with two and four acid decomposition. IR analysis of sulfur (total, sulfide) and carbon (total, organic )

Advantages of the laboratory of ALS Kazgeohimiya LLP: High speed of sample processing, modern equipment and advanced technologies, automated sample control and registration system GEMS (LIMS), more than 50 years of experience in the field of geochemistry.



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