

Company name: GeoLabService
Brief description: Sample preparation
Start year: January 29, 2023
Phone number: +77764111001
Company address: Karaganda, K. Tsetkina 37a
The site of the company:
Number of employees 20

About company

GeoLabService LLP is engaged in sample preparation of geological samples. The workshop is located in Karaganda, st. Klara Zetkina 37a.
We offer:
•High-quality sample preparation on modern machines in the shortest possible time;
•Ability to encrypt and insert control samples according to QA/QC before delivery to the laboratory;
•По завершению пробоподготовки доставим и сдадим пробы в лаборатории по Караганде, такие как ALS — Kazakhstan, ЦентрГеолАналит, ЭкоНус и т.д.
•We organize the sending of samples to any laboratory in Kazakhstan.

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