TOO “Геоджет КЗ”

TOO “Geojet KZ”

Company name: TOO “Geojet KZ”
Brief description: We specialize in predictive modeling of licensed areas and field geophysical work for subsoil users of any scale and investors, we use proprietary developments and modern equipment to reduce exploration time and improve the quality and detail of data.
Year started: March 1, 2014
Phone number: +77273104832
Company address: Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Bayzakova street 280
The site of the company:

About company

Компания TOO “Геоджет КЗ” — сервисная геологоразведочная компания для тех, кто умеет выбирать. Мы обладает необходимыми компетенциями для реализации опережающих геологоразведочных работ на месторождениях твердых полезных ископаемых, необходимых недропользователю и инвестору для развития проекта на любом этапе его освоения. Наши технологические решения и многолетний практический опыт позволяют значительно оптимизировать объем ГРР, а также временные и финансовые затраты со стороны инвестора и недропользователя.

Our services:
-Analysis of Earth remote sensing (ERS) data
Decoding, processing and interpretation of data from space and aerial photographs of the Earth

-Predictive modeling
Modeling based on satellite images, Earth remote sensing data, forecast map, with identified promising areas for their localization using field exploration methods.

-Geophysical research:
Non-contact electrical prospecting:
VIER (High Resolution Pulsed Electrical Prospecting)
BIEP (Non-contact Electric Field Measurement)
ZSB (probing by the method of establishing a field in the near zone)
Contact electrical prospecting:
VES, electrical tomography (resistance method)
VP, VP-VEZ, VP-SG, VP-DP, EP, electrical tomography (polarization method)
MZ, MZT (charged body method)

-Hydrogeological studies
Search for aquifers and study of hydrogeological conditions

Find out more about our experience and services on the website:

We are always ready to advise you, send your questions by email: [email protected]

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