Geotek LLP
About company
Geotek LLP was founded in 2011. Today, the company is a multidisciplinary enterprise engaged in geological exploration, consisting of highly qualified specialists with extensive experience at sites in Kazakhstan.
The works are carried out in compliance with all requirements and technical conditions, technology of work production. The performed work complexes are distinguished by reliable quality and compliance with the planned terms of work production.
The enterprise consistently implements planned programs of work on exploration and production of minerals, prospecting, geological exploration, engineering-geological and hydrogeological research.
In the course of their activities, they independently carry out almost the entire range of geological work:
— Разведка и добыча полезных ископаемых.
— Услуги по поисковым, геологоразведочным работам, инженерно-геологическим и гидрогеологическим исследова-ниям.
— Геофизические исследования скважин (каротаж) на твердые полезные ископаемые и для решения гидрогеоло-гических задач.
— Инженерно-геологические изыскания всех направлений.
— Буровые работы глубиной до 1500 м на стадии геологосъемочных, поисковых и разведочных работ.
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