LLP "Kaznedroproekt"
About company
Наша компания предлагает свои услуги в области выполнения проектных работ,связанных с разведкой и освоением месторождений твердых полезных ископаемых. Все проекты выполняются «под ключ» (согласования,защита в ГКЗ РК и ЦКРР МИР РК, утверждение проектных документов в Компетентном органе) квалифицированными специалистами, имеющими большой опыт выполнения проектных работ.
В своей проектной деятельности ТОО «Казнедропроект» придерживается следующих принципов:
In relations with customers:
provision of a full range of design work related to the exploration and development of solid mineral deposits;
timely and high-quality fulfillment of all contractual obligations;
decency and honesty in relationships,
long-term business relationships,
project support at all stages – from development to successful completion.
In the implementation of business processes:
compliance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
continuous analysis of decisions taken to ensure compliance with the requirements of standards in the field of mining design;
monitoring and analysis of innovative technologies in the field of mining design, development and implementation of effective design methods;
conducting an examination of the quality of adopted design and management decisions with the involvement of the best specialists in their subject area;
justification and confidence in each design decision made, the ability to focus on the main thing;
increasing the level of requirements for the quality of work performed by subcontracting organizations;
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